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Our Mission

…And History

Big Learning’s nonprofit mission is to enrich the education of pre-K through middle school students in the fields of STEM and World Languages while
providing the skills and personal competencies to succeed in the 21st century: its focus is on serving students
whose access to enrichment programs is impacted by poverty and other factors.

Our standards for value: We offer programs that offer children immediate educational benefit and enjoyment, while building powerful knowledge, skills, and character traits for a lifetime. Our programs expand children’s horizons, and build excitement about learning and a thirst for understanding.

Our commitment to equity: We strive to make our programs available and to provide value to children and youth across the income spectrum, and to improve equitable access to enrichment.

Big Learning, formerly EPI was born in 1975 as a result of Montgomery County Council of PTAs commitment to quality, affordable afterschool programs. MCCPTA volunteers, who had been spending as much as 100 hours per month running FLES, which was started in 1954, and Group Piano, realized that this level of volunteer effort was unsustainable. They spun off MCCPTA Educational Programs, Inc. (EPI), as a new nonprofit created to administer afterschool programs in Montgomery County.

Over the years, Big Learning has housed FLES, Hands On Science, and Creative Enrichment, a kindergarten complement program that ended with the introduction of all-day kindergarten for MCPS students. As Big Learning grew, the volunteer board of directors realized that they needed a full-time executive director to run Big Learning. In 2011, Big Learning Inc., then a separate nonprofit, joined MCCPTA EPI as a new program and EPI began doing business under the name Big Learning.  Its founder, Dr. Karen Cole, became Big Learning’s first executive director.

About Big Learning

The Board

The Staff

Partners & Supporters

Why Choose Big Learning?


Activity Kits

NEW! Boxes of Fun
Complete Big Learning Science & Engineering kits with curriculum and all materials included available for grades K-5. Solar Science kits still available!

To schedule a Big Learning program for a specific group, such as scouts, neighborhood pod, or church group and for school day programs for 2022-23, email fles@biglearning.org or science@biglearning.org

Administrative Offices

We are working hard in our office. Reach us by phone or mail.
fles@biglearning.org or
Big Learning
11721 Kemp Mill Road
Silver Spring, MD 20902

Our Policies
Frequently Asked Questions

Give us feed back! Please email

Cultural Arts Showcases

Information about Fall 2023 Cultural Arts Workshops including showcases and audition information for new performances is available here.
Performers may reach us at CAS@biglearning.org for additional information about the 2023-2024 audition process or to find out how to be included in the Fall 2023 catalogue.
You may download the 2019-2020 Cultural Arts Showcases Catalog and view performance previews from prior years.
See information for Superintendent's Committee for the Performances in MCPS
Questions? Please email CAS@biglearning.org
or call 240-839-7132.