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Why Choose S&E?

Building the Foundation for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Innovation (STEM)
The Big Learning Science & Engineering curriculum is designed to cultivate critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, creativity, a true understanding of basic science and mechanics, and the confidence to question and explore the world around us. After all, innovation isn’t about duplicating the latest gizmo. It’s about questioning why things works… and making it better.

For Young Minds at Play
Big Learning Science & Engineering enables children to explore the fundamental s of science, technology, engineering, and math through experimentation and play. Our teachers encourage fun learning in an atmosphere where different results are not failures, but rather as part of the scientific and discovery process.

Inquiry-based Learning
Questions asked during class challenge children to think critically about the world around them while they explore science. Our program gives children opportunities to explore and experiment in their own unique way. Children will increase their experience through observing, investigating and questioning.

Boost in Confidence and Self-esteem
Big Learning Science & Engineering provides children time to focus on the processes of discovery and exploration that come naturally to them. The program encourages positive attitudes towards science and increases children’s confidence and self-esteem through successful interactions.

And for the Parents
Affordable: As part of the Big Learning non-profit organization, we are dedicated to maintaining the highest quality of enrichment education at an affordable price so that all children, regardless of economic situation, have the opportunity to thrive. Big Learning Science & Engineering also proudly offer s need-based scholarships every session.

“My daughter often complained over the years that she didn’t enjoy her after-school activities, including everything from art to ballet. But Big Learning was completely different. Instead of complaining when I came to pick her up about how tired or bored she was, I could barely drag her out, because she so loved and enjoyed the activities that she never wanted to leave. She always came home bubbling with enthusiasm and talking excitedly about all the things they built or discussed, and it was clear that she connected with Big Learning much more deeply than with any other activity we had tried with her. She loved it, and I would highly recommend it to absolutely anyone. She definitely wants to do it again next year.”  ~Parent of S&E student




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